Friday 10 June 2011

Handing over to Linda!

I’m delighted that the governors have decided to appoint Linda Rodham as my successor.
Not only that but, at my suggestion, she actually became headteacher on the day we returned from half term holiday, so I suppose that you could say that Moorside will have two headteachers until I leave for sunny Cullercoats. However, I must stress that Linda is on the front line for decision making which is only fair because much of our work at the moment is to do with planning for next year when I’ll be gone.
So why the rush?
Well, true to character, Linda puts the students first and keeps saying that she’s determined that standards won’t drop in our transition to academy status. Changing headteachers is a massive event in any school, let alone one which is due to become an academy in a few months time, so every effort must be made to preserve stability and to continue our improvement. That’s why we’re taking advantage of this interim period to ensure a smooth handover.
So I’m enjoying the luxury of being in a quasi-advisory role for a while. I even get to sit with Team IT for Linda’s staff briefings!

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