Saturday, 2 April 2011

America Day

A lot of people have been asking, “Are we having another Glastonbury Day?”
If you’re new to Moorside, you might not know about Glastonbury Day.
It was the most successful non-uniform fund raising event we’ve ever had. It happened last year on the first day of the real festival when we held our own version on campus with live bands playing on the field, a village of shops selling festival memorabilia which students had made in DT and lots of lessons on the environment and music tuition. It was a very happy and, believe it or not, highly educational day, brilliantly organised by the staff and student Council. Not only that, but we raised £1200 for Wateraid, one of Glastonbury's adopted charities.
In fact, it went so well that we’ve decided not to do it again. We just don’t think we can surpass it and we don’t want to spoil the memory by having a second go.
Sounds decisive doesn’t it?
But it’s left the Student Council and me scratching our heads to think about another idea. The thing about Glastonbury Day was that it proved to be a great vehicle for involving everyone, whatever their interests. So it’s been a challenge coming up with a substitute.
Some good ideas have been offered.
How about a royal wedding day? We couldn’t think of anyone to stand in for the royal couple and, if we did, what if we really married them by accident? Could be complicated.
Harry Potter? The flying could be a challenge and some kill joys might object to Moorside students practising white magic.
The Olympics? Great idea, but best saved until 2012, provided that having fun is on the academy agenda.
Then I was talking to some students about Glee which I’ve never seen. Somebody said, “Let’s have a Glee Day.” And then we came up with America Day because we  saw that every subject could contribute and that we could tap into teenage interest in all things American.
So ideas, please. Thomas Dunn has already suggested that we walk on the right in the corridors for the day so that’s a start.
Oh, and we’re going to stage it as near to the fourth of July as we can. That’s a Monday so we might have to sweet talk Christine Connolly into changing her carefully planned calendar.

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